
1. The strategy of scientific research

Scientific research strategy 2020-2024

2. Scientific research report

Research report 2016-2020 - FEFS

3. Research center for physical activities

Coordinator: conf. univ. dr. Viorel Ardelean


THE RESEARCH CENTER FOR PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES is part of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Institute of Aurel Vlaicu University and aims to promote research, disciplinary and interdisciplinary relationships in the field of sports science.

It is constituted as a platform for interdisciplinary research in the field of sports science, having the subfields: physical education, performance sports, sports equipment and facilities, sports psychology. Members are teachers and students. The center's facilities offer possibilities for: anthropometric measurements, motor and functional evaluation, determination of motor qualities, physical condition, etc.

Annually, the center organizes national and international symposia and workshops (eg ISREIE 2010,2012,2014, Measurement, testing and evaluation in physical activity 2013, Motor and functional evaluation 2014). The research results are presented at national and international conferences (Romania, Serbia, Hungary, etc.) or published in the magazine "Arena - Journal of Physical Activities", indexed in important international databases.

The center is a partner for international events such as: European Event "Move Week" 2013-2014 action "Now We Move," promoting physical activity among the masses, or research for people through the European Event "Researchers at night" (2014, 2015, 2016) .

The center includes two research groups:

a) "Physical education and leisure activities" (responsible conf. university Dr. Viorel Petru Ardelean, Tel.: +40 257 211044; Mobile: +40 743 107182 email: and

b) "Performance sport" (responsible university professor Dr. Corina Dulceanu, Tel: +40 257 211044;

Coordinator C.C.A.F.

Univ. Assoc. Dr. Viorel Ardelean

4. Research topics 2020-2021

Research themes - UPDATING

5. ISREIE International Symposium

ISREIE International Symposium 2020


6. EFS Faculty Magazine

Arena JPA magazine presentation

Arena-Journal of Physical Activities

ISSN: 2285 - 830X / 2012

The year of the first issue: 2012

Frequency of appearance: one issue / year

Publication language: English

Managing editor: Lect. university Dr. Osser Gyongyi

Web page: Arena-Journal of Physical Activities